Growing up and getting older we start to not be included in the latest round of slang words. USA Today released a list of some of the latest words and meanings if you wanna learn them to stay relevant with your kids - and hey, you might be lucky and already use some of these!
Bad - It's opposite day when it comes to this word. "Bad" means good. Actually "bad" means even better than good. It's often used in reference to someone's appearance.
Bet - "Bet" is used when you're in agreement with something. If someone makes plans and you say "bet," that means you are confirming said plan.
Flewed - You'll most likely hear this when someone is bragging about getting "flewed out." It means that someone got flown out (hopefully on an aircraft of some kind) to a place
GOAT - This does not refer to a farm animal. Rather, "GOAT" is an acronym for Greatest of All Time.
Lit - Contrary to popular belief, lit does not mean to light something on fire. But it does mean that something is fire. For something to be "lit" or "fire," it means that something is great, amazing, exciting, etc.
Okurrr - A word made popular by pop icon Cardi B who defines it as something that is said to affirm when someone is being put in their place. For example, when Betty says something out of pocket, and Stacy, who normally doesn't say much, tells Betty to quiet down or else, a bystander could say "okurrr." (THIS ONE IS MY FAV & yes, I use this regularly! Sorry kids!)
Shade - Shade is usually thrown, meaning you'll most commonly hear it in a sentence like "He threw shade," but it can also be used like "Why are you so shady?" To throw shade means to make an underhanded critical remark toward someone.
If you wanna check out the whole list, click HERE!
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