Some people will go to all measures to beat wrinkles and other signs of aging. From botox to medicines to other extreme measures, some people have tried it all or just bared the inevitable. According to Good Morning America , people are now trying Face Yoga to help reduce those things.
There was a study down at Northwestern University that found this as a benefit for middle-aged women.
" This is a preliminary study that suggests that there might be some elements of face exercise that can be helpful to at least certain patients — middle-aged women — in improving certain signs of aging cheek fullness," said Dr. Murad Alam, vice chair and professor of dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine."
But does it really work?
" When you exercise your face muscles you can improve blood circulation on your face," Fumiko Takatsu, the creator ofFace Yoga Method, told "GMA."
The best part? It doesn't cost you a dime - just costs you your time. Might be something worth trying.
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