Have you heard about this woman yet? According to NBC12, this woman in Bangladesh gave birth two twins just a month after having another baby. Yes, you read that right! Apparently she had two uteruses - one for one baby and one for the other two!
"BBC News reports Arifa Sultana, 20, gave birth to a premature boy in late February, according to her gynecologist. Twenty-six days later, after she went to the hospital with pain in her stomach, doctors discovered she was still pregnant and delivered a healthy set of twins -- a boy and a girl -- via Caesarean section."
It's so interesting right?! Just imagine what her pregnancy was like the entire time! Oy vey!
"The Mayo Clinic says "a uterus starts out as two small tubes. As the fetus develops, the tubes normally join to create one larger, hollow organ — the uterus. Sometimes, however, the tubes don't join completely. Instead, each one develops into a separate structure."
NASA Is Paying People $19,000 To Stay in Bed For 2 Months, Are You In?
Sleep? For two months? For $19,000? Sign me up! 😴
By Alex