See How a Bride Attempted To Scam Bridesmaids To Help Pay For Dress

When a bride asks you to be in their bridal party it’s usually because you mean a lot to them, so imagine one gal’s surprise when she discovered a bride that was actually stealing money from her.

A gal recently took to Reddit’s Bridezilla forum to share the story of a bride and her maid of honor who hatched a plot to scam the bridal party into helping pay for the bride’s dress.Here’s what happened:

  • The bride asked six women to be in her bridal party, along with a maid of honor, and told the bridesmaids that she had already picked out a dress for them.
  • The bridesmaid said she was told the dress cost $400, and the maid of honor offered to put all the dresses on her credit card so she could get miles, and let the bridesmaids pay her back in installments.
  • All was fine until the bridesmaid writing the story had to go pick up her dress on her own and was at first mistakenly told the dress wasn’t paid for, and it cost $200.
  • While the shop owner confirmed the dress was paid for, the gal then realized that the dress was only half the price of what they were told.
  • When confronted the maid of honor admitted that she and the bride charged the bridesmaids more in order to help pay for the bride’s wedding dress.
  • Four of the girls dropped out of the wedding immediately. 

As you can imagine, the Internet had some strong opinions about the bride and her maid of honor, with one noting, “Talk about being greedy! I wouldn't want to go to my so-called friend’s wedding if I knew she tried to scam me out of 200 bucks. Backstabber.” Another poster was in shock anyone stayed in the wedding party, writing “Only four of you dropped out? The two who forgave her are better people than I am." Finally, one commenter called it like it is, noting, “That’s not a bridezilla, that’s a criminal.”

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