SHOCKING: Celebrities That Don't Have a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

By now I think we all know that getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is no huge honor. Basically, someone nominates you, you promise to attend the ceremony, someone has to pay for it, and you're in.

Still, when you consider that Paula Abdul andTony Danza each have one, but Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts don't, it just feels weird.

With that in mind, here's a list of other celebrities who surprisingly don't have one:

Angelina Jolie. . .Ben Affleck(Matt Damonhas one) . . .Beyoncé. . .Carrie Fisher. . .Clint Eastwood. . .Denzel Washington. . .Emma Stone. . .George Clooney. . .Kanye West. . .

Kim Kardashian. . .Kerry Washington. . .Leonardo DiCaprio. . .Madonna. . .Meg Ryan. . .Prince. . . andWhitney Houston.

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