Title 1 Tech - Continue The Learning

When the pandemic started, Mathew Blades and his friend Lloyd Hopkins (MDTP) sprang into action trying to connect teachers in Title 1 schools with the students who were unable to stay connected AT HOME. "We had $15K earmarked for Cards for Kids, but we pivoted and used that money for this new program and within ONE WEEK had 60 students connected, including Ruby, pictured here:

Since then, we've created a Ttile1Tech Advisory with some of the smartest minds in the Valley including Shereka Jackson, creator of FUTURE STARS AZ, a STEM program. We also added Sarah Freeman of ATTOLO TECH. Both are committed to connecting Title 1 Techers with their students and ending this digital divide.  

We "HOOKED UP" hundreds of students so far and have MORE to do which is why we are SO VERY glad to announce our partnership with CRICKET WIRELESS. Their team wants to be involved and will provide us with the resources needed to continue our work.

If you need TECH for one of your students, let us know here  https://mdtproject.org/title1tech/

If you can donate or would like to join us in this work, please email Mathew directly mathewblades@iheartmedia.com

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